City of Madisonville
Social Media Policy
Comments placed on the social media sites are subject to following guidelines:
A. As a public entity the city must abide by certain standards to serve all its constituents in a civil and unbiased manner.
B. The city's social media sites prohibit the posting of content and/or comments containing the following:
1. Comments not topically related to the particular site or blog article being commented upon;
2. Profane language or content;
3. Content that promotes, fosters or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, or any other protected class status;
4. Sexual content or links to sexual content;
5. Solicitations of commerce;
6. Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity
7. Information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public; or
8. Content that violates a legal ownership interest of any other party
C. The city reserves the right to deny access to the city's social media sites for any individual who violates the city's Social Media Policy, at any time and without prior notice.
D. Departments within the city shall monitor their social media sites for comments requesting responses from the city and for comments in violation of this policy.
E. When a city employee responds to a comment in their capacity as a city employee, the employee's name and title shall be made available, and the employee shall not share personal information about themselves or other city employees.
F. All comments posted to any city social media site are bound by the Social Media's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, and the city reserves the right to report any violation to the social media site with the intent of the social media site taking appropriate and reasonable responsive action.